Bubble vol. 01 release We took over Open Space Berlin to celebrate the inaugural issue of bubble skatemag!
Robbin de Wit – “The Warehouse - Guest Pro Model” Robbin de Wit with some high tech in the Polar warehouse.
CPTMafia – “Talvez o ultimo de TRV? Talvez...” Our favorite Brazilian crew with some footage from 2022 they just edited now. Some Berlin stuff in there as well.
“Throwback Thrills“ Memories of a relaxing vacation in Geneva with the CBD420 team Simon Perrottet, Janos Herzog, Titi Gormit, Kilian Zehnder and Onni Saltevo.
Skatedeluxe – “Berlin to Prague” After their 20th-anniversary party the skatedeluxe team went on a trip to visit two great skateboarding cities.
Rob Pace – “Going for it in Cologne” If you’re known for big spots, you will be served big spots. Rail master Rob Pace visited Cologne for a few days and was on filming mission.